Saturday, April 16, 2011

CATURDAY: Cat playing with dolphin video, etc

I hope that Buffy & Willow don't see this YouTube video when they surf the net after we go to bed... They'll want one, too!

The video (not ours) was taken in 1997 at Theater of the Sea, a marine animal park in Islamorada, Florida.

Our cats love to chatter at the seabirds that fly by the boat and sometimes a leaping ray will catch their attention. Willow can become very enthralled by things in the water that humans cannot see.

They like playing with their tube. It makes a crackling sound.

Boxes and paper bags are a great source of entertainment that also become favorite places to sleep.

Enjoy your Caturday. It is a beautiful day in St. Croix. We plan to walk up to Pueblo and hit the Animal Shelter's thrift store on the way and check out their book selection.

Here are some good tunes with "cat" in the title...
  • Stray Cat Strut
  • Year of the Cat
  • Cat Scratch Fever
  • Cool for Cats
  • Alley Cat