Provide Life-Changing Help to the Animals of Puerto Rico!
"Despite being a US territory, animal adoption programs in Puerto Rico are decades behind their counterpart in America. Less than 45% percent of dogs and 30% of cats that make it to shelters are ever adopted, and there are hundreds of thousands of street dogs and stray cats in this small island chain that will never get a chance at adoption in the first place. You can help. Your click will fund the One Picture Saves a Life workshop in San Juan and the renovation of the Las Marias PAWS satellite shelter in rural West-Central Puerto Rico. Together we can make a significant impact on the welfare of animals in Puerto Rico." Read more and click the button to help. It's FREE and for a good cause.
The campaign changes every few days so do it now. If you are too late to help with this campaign then click on the current one.
Also, click on the other tabs (Hunger, Breast Cancer, Animals, Veterans, Autism, Alzheimers, Diabetes, Literacy, Rain Forest) and then click on their buttons to give help.
I do this every morning after turning on my computer. Make it your habit, too.
So it goes...