I was surprised to only find one "sailing with pets" book at Amazon. We have also included a couple of other books which may be of interest.
Cruising With Your Four-Footed Friends: The Basics of Travel with Your Cat or Dog (Paperback)
by Diana Jessie
Editorial Reviews:Boat US : "It's about time someone researched and wrote about taking their pets on boats. In "Cruising With Your Four-Footed Friends", Diana Jessie has been able to add facts with personal experience, plus draw on others' experiences into something that at times reads like it could be called "Chicken Soup for the Boating Pet Lover's Soul". This book is both entertaining to read and is full of helpful information! Now the rest of us have one book that will help us prepare and plan for taking our pets on board.
The First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats (Prevention Pets) (Paperback)
by Amy D. Shojai
Book Description
Is there an animal doctor in the house? Most likely, the answer is no. And when an accident or other emergency threatens your pet, every minute counts. Don't be unprepared! Open The First-Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats and learn:
- Basic first-aid techniques, such as cleaning a wound, making a splint, and performing CPR-- step-by-step!
- Which over-the-counter human medications can help-- or harm-- your dog or cat
- What to keep in your pet's medicine chest (many essential items are probably in your house already!)
- How to quickly pinpoint what's wrong with your pet, using the First-Aid Symptom Finder
Plus, you'll discover a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to more than 150 common, and not-so-common, injuries and conditions.
Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook (Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook) (Hardcover)
by Delbert G. Carlson, James M. Giffin
Book Description- Signs and Symptoms Index on inside front cover
- Easy-to-understand text
- Authors with collective experience of over a half century
- Hundreds of instructional photos and drawings throughout
- Covers every problem from Pediatrics to Geriatrics
All cat owners wish that their pets really did have nine lives. Now, with this newly revised and expanded edition of Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, the one life cats do have can be made longer and happier. Virtually every problem that owners will encounter is dealt with in language that teaches everyone how to cope with and prevent those unpleasant surprises. Part of the cat's mystique is a uniquely curious nature. This innate curiosity can create many dangerous situations and unwelcome consequences. This book, a classic in its first edition, has been updated to include the very latest solutions to the daily occurances and special problems in all phases of cat care, including behavior and training. Yes, training! Now, in clear and simple terms, symptoms are identified and thorough instructions are given so that with this book, owners can become the best friends their cats can have in a lifetime.
Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook (Howell Reference Books) (Hardcover)
by James M. Giffin, Liisa D. Carlson
Editorial ReviewsAmazon.com : Open the front cover and the first two pages you see contain the Index of Signs and Symptoms, from Abdomen (painful, swollen, distended, and tucked up) to Weight loss, Wheezing, and Whining (continual). There's a comprehensive index in back, of course, running the gamut from Abortion to Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis, which is all very useful, but when your pooch is in pain, it's great to be able to turn, with the minimum of folderol, to the page that says to relax, it's nothing a bit of extra grooming won't fix, or alternatively to hightail it over to the vet hospital. It's a wonderful reference for any dog owner, with chapters on emergencies (such as burns, dehydration, and poisoning), as well as worms, infectious diseases, skin care, and canine eyes, ears, and nose. There are chapters on the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems, the nervous, musculoskeletal, and urinary systems, plus dog sex, whelping, puppy pediatrics, geriatrics, and chapters on cancers and medications. In short, it covers every health dimension a dog owner might want to know more about, identifies the possible causes, helps you determine the severity of the condition, and indicates what treatments or actions to take to best insure your dog's good health. --Stephanie Gold --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.