Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We've Got Wood... and Gas!

Yippee! This morning we went to Home & Tools on the French side of St. Martin.

They had wood!

We bought four 2-meter lengths of pine, sort of 1x1's. It came to $17.75 for the 4 pieces. But they HAD them!!!

We stopped by the gas station on the way back. They have fixed up their dock since Hurricane Omar. Much nicer than we've ever seen it.

This was much nicer as well...

The number for the Price (31.37) was LOWER than the number for the Volume (41.27). They take US$ for euros at a 1-to-1 rate, so $0.76/liter, which comes to about $2.88/gallon.

Wow, such a deal !!!