Yesterday we received our new battery charger. We hooked it up late yesterday afternoon and it works just fine! We have completely charged up our 12V system in a few hours. This charger has more oomph so we won't have to run the generator as long which is cool.
This afternoon we went and did a load of laundry over at the very nice laundromat near the ballpark. Tie up your dinghy at St Croix Marine.
The machines are larger than what I remembered from when we were first there. It's very clean, bright, and new. There is a coin changer to the right of the office counter. We used the $5.50 machine (all of the $3.50 machines were in use) and had room left over which is better than overloading. We found a shortcut to it today from the parking lot near Ace hardware.
It's #8 on my map MAP FOR CRUISER'S of Christiansted St Croix USVI. It's probably best to download the map to your computer so you can enlarge it for details. (Here's another link for STX info)
It takes about 25-30 minutes to wash which is enough time for us to do a quick shop at the Schooner Bay supermarket just up the street. The washers spin the clothes fairly dry which helps when humping the clothes back to the dinghy and they dry rather quickly on the lifelines.
I must make another observation... The Coke machine outside of St Croix Marine has to have the coldest cans on the island! 75 cents, too.
Oh yes, their price for gasoline went down today to $3.10/gallon. I think diesel was $3.19.