Well, I did sleep in for an extra 45 minutes... and Bob & the kittens didn't seem to mind the extra snooze time either.
Had breakfast outside in the cockpit which was nice and then we went inside to check our email. Sometimes the internet just seems to trap you and you're not even aware that time is passing.
I did call Kim (45 minutes!) of the charter yacht QWEST and had a nice chat.
I then posted comments from our recent guest aboard QWEST that you can read HERE on our Paradise Connections Charter Yacht Blog.
Had lunch. More email... Oops, forgot to give the cats their lunch (they are such good girls!).
Then we got to looking at recorders (musical wind instrument type) on Amazon.com. We watched the Great Big Sea's DVD the other night who play alot of traditional Newfoundland music which got us headed in this direction. Bob wants a Bodhran drum Should probably get an instructional DVD for that, too :)
I think I'm going to order this one. It's a Yamaha 3-piece Soprano Recorder. It's pretty inexpensive and I like the blue, although the pink is cool, too. The instruction book costs more than the instrument but I think our neighbors will appreciate it :)
Maybe Kim & Rich will let me play along with their ukeleles
Aren't you glad we anchor far away from the crowds?